An Algorithm Constructing the Feynman Diagrams of Two-Particle Scattering
Kasper Johansson
Strukturen hos amöbor och koamöbor i två dimensioner
Anna Broms & Isak Nilsson
Analytic and Numerical Calculations of Fractal Dimensions
Arman Shamsgovara
Bulgarian Solitaire in Three Dimensions
Anton Grensjö
Multiplayer Bulgarian Solitaire
Emil Öhman
Uniqueness of Solutions to the Poisson Equation
Emil Hössjer
Tomography Interpreted as a Filtered Back Projection
Martin Nilsson
The Mathematics of Winning Streaks
Erik Leffler
Developing Mathematical Structures to Descrive and Implement Binary Key and Lock Systems
Hillevi Nilsson
A Study on the Curvature of Linked Pearls
Samuel Selleck
Rigid Motions of K5 Obtained from D6 Action on Rooted Trees
Sebastian Karlsson
Epidemic Outcome of Individual Preventive Behaviour
Wilhelm Nilede
Optimising the Charging of Electric Vehicles in Inconsistent Power Systems
Johan Alm
Finding the Optimal Charging Schedule for an EV Aggregator
William Sonnerklev
A Matrix-Model Approach to Wilson Loops in QCD-Like Quantum Theories
Alvin Palmgren
Approximating a General Function to Compute Wilson Loops Within a Toy Model
Lawan Fathullah
Computation of Wilson Loops
Xenia Bröddén
Generating φ4 Feynman Diagrams Using a Recursive Algorithm
Klara Bragesjö Björkén
Flow identities of the infinite and bounded youngs lattice
Jacob Karlsson Lagerros
Random Bubble Sorting of a Circular Bookshelf
Emma Johansen
The Geometry of the Zeros of Real Polynomials and their Derivatives
Cesar Höjeberg
Applications of Three Common Graph Theoretical Algorithms
Upasana Chatterjee
The Role of Linear Algebra in Computed Tomography
Katarina Gustafsson
Elementary Proofs of the Evasiveness of Some Simple Subgraphs
Sarah Tovatt
A Study on the Number of Roots of Arctic Polynomials
Ludwig Wemlén & Daniel Eriksson
Analysis of Temperature Records in Random Series
Jonna Karlberg
Sampling the Probability Distribution of Curvature of a Shaken Necklace
Jacob Kuhlin
Tubings and Nestings: Where Graphs and Line Graphs Meet
Ellinor Jönson
A study of Individual Movement During an Epidemic
Markus Swift
A study of Binary Codes resistant to One and Two Bit Deletions
Hector Krentzel
Asymptotic Bounds on the Maximum Number of Minimal Separators in a Graph
Olle Lapidus
Finding Numerical Solutions to Partial Differential Equations with Deep Learning
Holger Molin
Modular Forms on the Moduli Space of Complex Elliptic Curves
Daniel Nordström