Optimization of Model-Based Testing
Marie-Fleur Delort-Brazee
Cost Efficient Gait Analysis Using Lasers
Isac Zia
Development of a Stable Control System for a Segway
Dennis Jin
Development of a Control System for Stabilizing a LEGO Segway Model
Niklas Lidström
3D Printing of Zeolite-Cellulose Nanofibril Composites
Henny Hauggaard
Optimizing Conditions for a Quality Determination and Surface Area Estimation of Nanocelluloses Using Xyloglucan Adsorption
Hanéle Backlund
Developing a Non-invasive, Camera-based Method of Measuring Blood Pressure
Samuel Tober
Creating a Program that Determines whether Viruses are Replicating in a Host
Alexander Woxström
Towards Cancer Cell Termination Using Optical Fiber Probe and High-Powered Laser
Neneh Hambraeus
Efficient and Scalable Tree Volume Measurement through Photogrammetric Analysis
Vincent Szolnoky
Effect of Suspension Flow During Freeze-Casting on Pore Shape and Orientation of Cellulose Nanofibers Aerogels
Jacob Hesslevik
Numerical Simulations of Endurance Athletes Based on Experimental and Theoretical Data
Tosca Cederberg Marmefelt & Alexandra Onstrand
Simulation of a Solar Chimney Ventilation System for an Air Polluted Megacity
Alexandra Polyakova
Determining Optimal Spatio-Temporal Contrast Sensitivity in the Peripheral Field of Vision
Anton Johansson
Developing a Method of Measuring Blood Pressure Using a Video Recording
Julia Jansson
Effect of the Social Robot Furhat on Vocabulary Learning
Elsa Zachrisson
Exploring the Application of High-Power Lasers with Optical Fiber Probes for Cancer Cell Elimination
Casper Karlsson
Machine Learning Methods for Lung Tumor Diagnosis
Carl Viggo Nilsson Gravenhorst-Lövenstierne
The Development of an Organic Electrochemical Transistor for the Detection of Sodium L-lactate
Fanni Välisalo