Mette Lillie forskar inom genetik på Uppsala universitet och kommer att besöka Rays som föreläsare under vår andra vecka. Vi skickade ett par frågor till henne om hennes besök i Strängnäs och hennes syn på forskning: 

-  Tell us something about yourself! 

I'll give you three things! I was born in Denmark, but have lived in Australia since I was 4 years old, so my Danish is pretty bad, and my Swedish is rubbish! My background and passion is in conservation genetics, and I still want to be David Attenborough when I grow up. I'm currently researching the genomic changes in a really cool, artificially selected population of chickens. 

-  Why do you want to present at Rays?

I presented to Rays last year and had a great time! I really enjoy speaking to students about all things genetics. 

-  Can you tell us something about what you will talk about?

I'll be presenting on my current research, including a little on population genetics, selection and adaptation, genomics and of course chickens!

-  What is the best thing about being a researcher / working with research?

I think the best thing about being a researcher is that you have the ability to answer research questions yourself. Yes it will take some months... years even! And along the way you will find more questions you want to answer. But that's the interesting and exciting part!